Mindful Art

I bring my vision to life through unique, expressive works that sparks Your imagination. Explore my creations and discover the essence of ArtByFiaHobbs.

Welcome to ArtByFiaHobbs where you find my latest art. My style has been described as colorful semi abstracts and I work mainly with acrylics, gelprint, and sometimes mixed media.

With my paintings I want to set YOUR IMAGINATION FREE. Take a deeper look and You might find more than meets the eye at first sight. 

Further down on this page you find my gallery with a few selected pictures that I change monthly. You can also follow me on Instagram under artbyfiahobbs


Ways to Work with Me


Find Your Flow and Release Tension

Finding flow means you have to get out of your own way that creates the obstacle. Using methods like qigong, mindfulness, and meditation clears your head space. Let me teach you how!


Find Your Flow Painting

Explore your depths of imagination by removing blockages. It willl open up new possibilities and give you freedom of creativity. By using different media we can learn how to access our subconscious. Information


Find Your Flow Writing

If you are like me you need dedicated blocks of time to be able to write and open up your imagination. In this writing retreat you will get time to write, helpful exercises, and support from the group. For more info.


Stressrelief in 5 Steps

I have been working as a therapist for over 30 years in the field of stressrelief and stressmanagement. This course derives from the 5 Step Program called Stress to Strength. 

Capture the world as you see it


Vibrant Creations

Color is vibration and it has an effect on our body to enhance our mood and even our bloodpressure. In order to feel good we need beautiful surroundings and nature with it´s full color spectrum.

My paintings are colorful semi abstracts so set your imagination free, and with a closer look you might see more than first meets the eye.

About Me

Fia Hobbs

Creative Visionary

I am ArtByFiaHobbs, a creative visionary that use art to capture the essence of mindfulness through my vibrant and colorful creations.

My skill set includes various art mediums, innovative storytelling techniques, and a keen eye for the non-obvious.

After a long break from painting that lasted over 20 years, I took it up again in the rainy summer of 2023. It gave me so much joy that I decided to continue.

Since 2010 I have written a few books and I continue to write even today.

I also work as a speaker and therapist where I help people go from Stress to Mental Strength.

Foto Anna Rehnberg

Standout Features

Unleash Creativity

Unique Designs

Captivate your space with my one-of-a-kind artworks that reflect passion and creativity in every way. Stand out with original pieces from ArtByFiaHobbs.

Unleash Creativity

If you need help in getting over your own obstacles to creative freedom, I offer classes that gives you the kick and tools you need.

Expressive Artistry

Experience emotions come to life through vibrant colors and intricate details. Each piece tells a story and evokes a range of feelings, making it a truly immersive artistic journey.



In the next section you find some of my latest artwork and I update the gallery about once a month.

All the paintings are for sale, let me know if something grabs you and I will tell you more.

Gallery owners are welcome to contact me here: contact.

If you are located in Sweden you can visit the art studio that I share with cheramist Ingrid Hernvall.

We are open irregular times so check our instagram or get in touch with us.


Art Showcase

Explore unique and captivating artworks crafted by me as I pour passion and creativity into every piece. Discover a world of imagination where you have to look deeper to see what lies hidden in the expression of my semi abstracts.

Soulful Portraits Collection

Expressive Nature Art

Vibrant Abstract Creations

Whimsical Fantasy Series


Clients' Rave About FiaHobbs

Fia Hobbs helped me get over my my inner stress that caused unrealistic expectations. I am forever grateful.


Working with Fia Hobbs opened up my eyes to what was holding me back. Now my creativity knows no boundaries, and the results exceeded my wildest expectations. Highly recommended!


I learned so much about myself and with the help of qigong and mindfulness I can now get into a state of flow when I chose to. So thankful for all I learnt!



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